Are you driving your car?

Are you driving your car?

Back in 2011, I had a two week trip to Taiwan planned for work. I left my car in the long term airport parking lot as I traveled across the globe.  The two weeks passed and work needed to extend my stay to ensure the program's success.   I thought, "I can't say no, they need me". The last thing on my mind was my car sitting there at the time.  Two months later and 30 hours of traveling I land back in Logan airport ready to head home.  It took a little searching in the parking garage to remember where my car was but there it was... three of my four wheels flat to the rim.  Then when I started the car the engine was misfiring.  

Luckily, letting the engine run for 15 minutes actually cleared up whatever caused the misfiring. Once AAA arrived to fill the tires I was ready to go again.  I called my Dad to let him know I arrived and told him about the car.  He replied as though I should have known, "Of course you had car issues, its just been sitting there.  Cars need to move!"

It doesn't have to be a two hour road trip either, a quick trip to the grocery store is all the car needs most days.   It's a mechanical system built to move, don't wait until it's too late.


Read previous thought - I don't have time to roll out...

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